About Naidu Family


ABOUT Naidu In English

In 1825, Shri Digambar Swami (Swami Samarth) gave his Paduka, Indraneel Mani worn in his hand and Panchamukhi Ganpati to his devotee Shri. Rangayya Naidu. Till 1895, he served for Shri Digambar Swami and there after his grand daughter-in-law Smt. Narsu Laxmi preserved all the valuable precisely given by Swami. Smt. NarsuLaxmi's fourth generation Shri Kiran Swami Naidu was parable by Swami. In 2004, the valuables given by Swami The Sidda Hasta Kamal Paduka, The Indraneel Mani & The Panchamukhi Ganpati were revealed. The uniformly service there on of Shri Digambar Swami (Swami Samarth)was started by Shri Kiran Swami Naidu.
Indeed! Shri Swami Samarth is the manifestation of the almighty! He is the Lord himself! He, the fourth incarnation of Shri Dattatreya, the savior of the meek, the one who showed the path of salvation to the common folk while he toured the length and breadth of the country; blessed are those who saw him. Those who understood his divinity, themselves were blessed. Those who could serve Shri Digambar Swami would be fortunate indeed. This wouldn’t happen without some divine intervention.
“One of the blessed persons who had the fortune to see Shri Digambar Swami and serve him is Shri Rangayya Naidu, currently a resident of Belgaum.
Belgaum, also known as Venugram in ancient times. Shri Ramswami Naidu migrated from his native Srirangam (Chennai) in Tamil Nadu to pursue his ancestral business of silk cloth, and had his home at Mense Galli in the Market area. It was also known as ‘Naiduwada’. In 1809, Shri Ramswami was blessed with a baby boy who was named Rangayya. It was he, who, in the later days, became known as the staunchest of the devotees of Shri Digambar Swami. Shri Rangayya also had a younger sister who was named Chinnamma Naidu. Since the whole family was inclined towards devotion, the two siblings were also so inclined since childhood. They would, especially, perform the Pooja of Shri Nrusimhasaraswati Swami. The siblings spent a considerable time of their day in performing Pooja and chanting.

After the death of Shri Ramswami Naidu, the siblings Rangayya and his sister Chinnammaperformed the daily routine devotional tasks as much as possible in their house. At that time, numerous holy men, Nath Sampradayee, Datt Sampra day i would frequent their house. This turned the house into a sort of a holy place.

It was at this time that Shri Digambar Swami Maharaj happened to arrive at Venugram amidst his travels. He visited the house of the Naidus where his PadyaPooja was performed. The whole house was filled with devotional fervor.

The entire house was bright with the lit lamps and it appeared as if it was Diwali. At nightfall, the whole house was bright with the presence of Shri Digambar Swami who shone like a sun. The atmosphere was fragrant with the smell of Sandalwood and flowers. Shri Digambar Swami was pleased with the devotion

and service of Shri Rangayya Naidu. As a Prasad, he handed over the Shri Siddha Hasta Kamal Paduka (the wooden footwear) used by himself as also the Blue sapphire in the form of his blessings. He also asked him to continue his service and proceeded for his further travel.

Rangayya Naidu and his sister were elated by the Divine Prasad that was offered to them. They began worshipping the holy Padukas of Shri Swami, daily. As part of the service towards Shri Swami, Mahapuja and Mahaprasad would be regularly organized at the house. For such occasions, a friend of Shri Rangayya Naidu, Shri KrishnajiMurkumbi opened an account in his grocery store and supplied the necessary provisions. Since the Murkumbi couple did not have any kids, they wholeheartedly participated in the Pujas and Mahaprasad of Shri Swami. Meanwhile, Rnagayya Naidu got married to Sou. Rajamma in 1829. She was also devotional in nature and the couple continued the worship of the Shri Siddha HastakamalPadukas of Shri Swami.

In due course, Rangayya Naidu had kids and his days became quite busy, In order that the service and devotion at the feet of Shri Swami should not be hampered or neglected, Shri Rangayya sought the advice of his Kulguru ShriTatachari (since the Siddha HastakamalPadukas required stringent Pooja rituals). Under his guidance, the Padukas were kept at the house of a Brahman in the Brahman locality and he was entrusted with the responsibility of performing the Pooja, Abhishek and other rituals. Rangayya Naidu served the Padukas of Shri Swami till his last breath. Not only did they serve the Padukas, they also contributed to the society through their service. The Naidu house would regularly distribute milk and milk based products to the needy people of the society, free of cost. In times of drought, the people of the locality used to fetch water from the well at the Naidu house and hence it came to be known as the 'RangayyaBawdi' of the Well of Rangayya.

After the death of Shri Rangayya Naidu, the Padukas were being worshipped regularly through a priest. In time, the priest who was entrusted with the responsibility of worshipping the Padukas reached the fag end of his life. In order to avoid the neglect in the worship and performance of the rituals, he decided to hand over the Padukas to the grandson of Shri Rangayya Naidu, Shri Subbayya Naidu and his wife Sou. NarsuLaxmi. Since NarsuLaxmi was a pious woman, she continued the worship of the Padukas.

A few years down the line when SouNarsuLaxmi also could not perform the rituals, she decided to place the Padukas and the Sapphire at a secret place (details about this can be found on the basis of a copper plaque). By this time, Rangayya Naidu’s five generations had existed. As of today, one can only say that the Padukas have been with the Naidu family, but the whereabouts of the same have yet to be found.

BY now, the worship at the feet of Shri Swami Samarth was being carried out by the seventh generation of the Naidu family. Shri Kiran Naidu of this family is also an ardent devotee of Swamiji. He has inherited the pious attitude of his ancestors, ShriRangayya Naidu and Chinnamma. Since he worshipped Shri

Swami Samarth since childhood, a considerable time of his was spent in performing Pooja and other religious rituals. At times, one would wonder if he is an incarnation of Rangayya Naidu or NarsuLaxmi; such is his devotion towards Swamiji. As time passed, Chi. Kiran started seeing specific dreams and had some visions, whose meaning was not yet ascertained. He was duly performing the service of Shri Swami Samarth. He would regularly visit the temple of Lord Dattatreya and participate in the Arati. There would be constant discussions with the then temple priest Dixit Guruji about the Padukas of Swamiji whereupon the priest would wonder where the Padukas would have been and that only Swamiji would know about it.

Days passed by with Chi. Kiran engrossed in the service of Swamiji and devotion. One day at dawn, he had a very meaningful dream where he saw a bright married woman standing with an earthen pot on her hips. She wore a green saree, glass bangles, had red vermillion on her forehead and flowers in her hair. She conversed with Chi. Kiran in Telugu language and pointing to the earthen pot, told him that you are born for this. Take this and fulfill my wish, she commented. She asked him what would be inside the pot? So saying, she picked out two magnolia flowers from the pot and kept them inside again. Soon after this, Chi. Kiran saw magnolia flowers kept before the image of Shri Swami and it was daybreak.

Just out of curiosity, Chi. Kiran glanced upon the seat of Shri Swami and lo and behold, an image of two ashen Padukas had been formed on the seat. He started seeing a series of dreams after that. Each vision clarified the doubts raised by an earlier one. And then came the day.

That was the day of GudhiPadva. 21st March 2004. It was GorajMuhurtam and at that auspicious time, an earthen pot appeared from the North facing wall of his house. The whole house was filled with the smell of flowers and sandalwood. Overwhelmed with this experience, Kiran embraced the pot with joy. His eyes flowed with tears out of happiness. The entire house was overwhelmed and had tears in their eyes. However, nobody knew what lay inside the pot. Later that morning, the Purohit was consulted and upon his instructions, the pot was opened on the day of the appearance of Shri Swami Samarth (Prakat din). Immediately, the whole house was filled with the smell of sandalwood and dhoop. Everyone was watching this miracle with awe. Their curiosity reached its pinnacle. What would be inside the pot? Gold, coins, wealth, jewelry…but what they saw stunned them all. There lay the most important and mostvaluable of them all, the Paduka that were gifted by Shri Swami Samarth and the blue sapphire. Both of them were encased in a sandalwood paste. So that was the meaning of the dreams that he had been having. This divine miracle of the Kaliyug indeed stunned everyone. It could convert an atheist into a believer and stun him.

Everyone, Chi. Kiran’s parents, siblings felt blessed and had tears in their eyes. They all tried to decipher the meaning of Chi. Kiran’s dreams. They felt really proud and blessed that their child had been so blessed at such a young age. They were short of words and felt blessed themselves.

Also found in the pot along with the Shri Paduka was a copper plaque in Telugu shorthand script, an Atmaling of Shri Swami , the blue sapphire and a Panchmukhi Ganapati with his trunk bent rightwards, all covered in sandalwood paste. The entire family was elated upon seeing this. Their happiness knew no bounds. Nobody could decipher the script of Telugu. But, where there was divine blessing, nothing was impossible. The Telugu script was deciphered in the following way-

Om Shri Venkateshalu, Shri Digambar Swami

" Shri Digambar Swami personally handed over the Shri Siddha Hasta kamal Paduka to the father of my father-in-law

After a few days, these hastakamalPadukas were transferred to the Brahman locality and worshipped there. A priest was appointed for the service to Shri Swami. The priest reached his end after a few years. Since the Padukas were bereft of any Pooja or other rituals, the priest brought them back to the house. I performed the rituals for some years, but ever since I was unable to worship anymore due to lack of strength, I have kept the Padukas and the Indraneelmani at a secret place in the Pooja Room. This was because the Shri Siddha HastakamalPadukas need special Pooja and rituals. A devotional son or daughter of this family shall have a vision of these Siddha Hasta Kamal Padukas. They must take care of the Padukas, perform the Pooja and an Abhishek of 500 measures of milk. The same must not be returned ever to anybody. Revered Swami, kindly fulfill my wish, this is the chant of Shri Swami. The five Mantras have been kept a secret. Kindly fulfill my wish, of this Narsamma"

A large number of devotees arrive everyday to seek the blessings from Belgaum area and other places in Karnataka and Maharashtra. Many of them have experienced the blessings of Shri Swami Samarth themselves. A large crowd of devotees assembles during special occasions like the Prakatdin of Shri Swami, the Deep festival, Punyatithi, Guru Purnima, Dattajayanti, etc. All these functions are carried out amidst much joy and chanting of the Swami’s name.

Jai Jai Shri Swami Samarth

I shall care for the welfare of each one of those who shall worship me with unconditional devotion. Some special characteristics of these Padukas

These Padukas of Shri Swami contain the body vibes and emit positive energy. Body Vibes means they reappeared after 110 years and that is the most special fact about them. Shri Indraneelmani changes its color, increases heartbeats and also retains the freshness of flowers.

The above matters reaffirms that Shri Swami Samarth handed his Padukas and the Indraneelmani to Shri Rangayya Naidu of Venugram. Of late, some books have been wrongly publishing misleading information. Some books also state with photographs that the Padukas are made up of marble. This is entirely false information. The Padukas that are with the Naidu family have nothing to do with this matter and readers may kindly note the same.

|| ShubhamBhavatu || || Om Shri Swami Samarth ||

Recently Shree data Tripursundari Math is contracted at Om Nagar, Belgaum. A grand procession of of Sidda Hasta kamal Paduka & Indraneel Mani was organised while shifting from mense galli temple to the newly built math. The Math is of Ek Mukhi Datt Shreepad Shreevallabh . The temple construction is madeconsidering all the calculations of the universe as per the Ancient South Indian style. The Murthi of Ek Mukhi Datt is made of Special Marble and was inaugurated on 14th March 2018.

With blessing of god & generous support from the devotees it was possible to built the math. Now I hereby appeal to all devotees to extend their valuable support for making the murthi of Shri Swami Samarth which is to be made of Panch Dhatu& for the painting of the math. I hope that i can count on all the devotees for the support in completing the remaining work of math.